Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Baby girl weighing 13.47 pounds (6kg 109.89g) born naturally in Germany

  The Guinness Book of World Records,record for the heaviest baby ever born is 23 pounds and 12 ounces(10kg 772.82g).A boy who was born on January 19, 1879 to a giantess named Anna Bates in Seville, Ohio, but later died 11 hours after birth.
 The heaviest baby born ,who survived was born in Aversa, Italy in 1955 and weighed 22 pounds, 8 ounces!(10kg 205.83g).
 More recently, A baby was born without the aid of a cesarean section in Germany depsite weighing 13.47 pounds(6kg 109.89g), making her the country’s biggest baby ever. As reported by Herald Sun, Baby girl Jasleen was born at University Hospital in Leipzig, Germany on July 26. Jasleen’s mother only arrived at the hospital on the day of the birth, and it was discovered that she had suffered from an undiagnosed gestational diabetes, a condition that can cause excessive birth weight in the newborn child. Both mom and daughter are doing well after the birth.
  A fetus or infant that weighs above 4000 grams is said to bé big(macrosomic). Common causes of this include poorly controlled maternal diabetes(for this reason it is said to be commoner in africa), maternal obesity,it is also seen in tall mothers,Some genetic disorders like Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome to mention a few.
 Some problems associated with fetal macrosomia include difficult delivery which may lead to uterine rupture,maternal genital tract laceration, birth trauma. It is also associated with increase need for CS.

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