Thursday 2 August 2012

Why alcohol causes memory loss

Events of last Saturday appear difficult to remember after i ordered my sixth bottle. Why? Scientists have discovered that the centre of memory formation and learning(the Hippocampus) has a high concentration of Zinc. Studies done by M.I.T. and DUKE researchers revealed that Zinc deficiency limits communication between neurones, disrupting learning ability and memory formation. Too much alcohol has been said to interfere with the body's ability to absorb zinc..Hence too much alcohol and low zinc body store can blur one's memory. Zinc is present in a variety of foods consumed daily. The foods with the highest Zinc content per serving are oysters, red meat and poultry. Some other food sources that contain Zinc are whole grains, fortified cereals, beans, nuts, dairy products and some seafoods. Males require more Zinc than females, as the mineral is released when a man ejaculates. The more sexually active a male, the more zinc required, as semen has the highest Zinc content in the body. An average adult woman should consume about 7 milligrams of Zinc daily, while an average male should consume 9.5 milligrams daily.

1 comment:

  1. Millions of people worldwide are experiencing memory loss for family members who are suffering from this disease it has been nice to read this article.It's helps on how to prevent this disease.

    Toronto memory clinic
