Thursday, 23 August 2012

"Will my baby be normal?"...A pregnant woman's fear

    A common worry of expectant mothers is the fear that something will go wrong with their babies. Understanding the causes of birth defects will help alleviate this fear.
   Different forms of birth defects include: defects of the limbs (which is the commonest form), defects of the heart(of which ‘holes in the heart’ are the most common),defects of d spinal cord, face, stomach, intestines, sexual organs, e.t.c.
   Birth defects are also associated with chromosomal abnormalities,an example of which is Down’s syndrome and advanced maternal age (35years and above) is a predisposing factor.
A fetus is most vulnerable to defects between the 3rd to 8th week after fertilization and this period is said to be the “sensitive period”.

    What are the causes of birth defects?
Most birth defects arise from interplay of genetic and environmental factors.
   -Genetics: parents might sometime carry a defective gene, while not suffering from the defect themselves, which is passed on to the unborn baby leading to a birth defect. Sometimes, the defective gene occurs in the unborn baby without prior affectation of the parents.
  - Exposure to drugs: Use of some drugs during pregnancy such as thalidomide, tetracycline antibiotic, anticonvulsant drugs, alcohol and tobacco interfere with normal fetal development.
-Exposure to radiation such as x-rays,cancer radiation therapy has been found to induce mutation in a developing baby.Hence,prenant women are advised to avoid these.
-Some illnesses have been linked to birth defects e.g.TORCHES infections(Toxoplasmosis, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus & Herpes simplex virus infections, Syphilis). Also studies have shown that diabetic mothers are at risk of having babies with holes in the heart and obese mothers, children with spinal cord defect.
   How to prevent birth defects
 - Early and regular ante-natal visits.
 -Studies have shown that intake of folic acid before getting pregnant reduces the incidence of spinal cord defects.
 -Eating healthy and balanced diets, including vegetables, fresh fruits, fish and food rich in calcium help reduce the likelihood of birth defects.
-Vitamin supplements are also useful
-Avoidance of herbal remedies during pregnancy

Detection of birth defects before delivery can be achieved through the following methods:
-Ultrasound scan
-Blood test especially the Triple test(which includes testing for maternal blood levels of alpha feto-protein, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin and oestrol)
-Chorionic villus sampling

Possible treatment options of birth defects:
1. Termination of the pregnancy
2. Corrective surgeries on unborn baby

                                                                                     Credited to Dr. Joel I.T

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