Saturday, 13 October 2012

"Are teeth pacifiers good for my baby?" - A mother's question

....A must have for most mothers especially the working class. Despite its advantages, like every other thing,it has its disadvantages. Sucking is a natural process and a normal part of development which is soothing to children even after they stop breast feeding. Hence, the teeth pacifiers are used to achieve and maintain this process well into their first year of life.

  • It calms an irritated baby and offers temporary distraction to them.
  • It helps babies fall asleep.
  • It has been shown from research,that there is a relationship between pacifier use during sleep and a reduced risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).    Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is the sudden death of an infant that is not predicted by medical history and remains unexplained after a thorough forensic autopsy. As infants are at highest risk of SIDS during sleep, it is sometimes referred to as "cot death" or "crib death". The cause of SIDS is unknown.

  • It can interfere with breast feeding when started early, causing a reduction in duration of breast feeding.
  • Babies can become dependent on pacifiers. They may always need it before they can fall asleep with ensuing crying spells if it falls out of their mouth.
  • The risk of infection is high especially if the pacifier is not routinely sterilized.
  • It might cause a child’s front teeth to slant outward along with other teeth problems, especially if used for a protracted period.

Causes of snoring and how to deal with it

  Just about everyone snores occasionally. There’s an increased susceptibility as one increase in age. Snoring is the sound produced from the vibration of respiratory structures due to obstructed air movement during breathing while sleeping. Snoring causes sleep deprivation to snorers and those around them resulting in daytime drowsiness, irritability, reduced concentration and decreased libido.

   Factors predisposing to snoring include:
-          AGE- As one reaches middle age, the throat becomes narrower and muscle tone decreases.
-          SEX- Men have narrower airways than women. Hence, are more likely to snore.
-          GENETICS- Narrow throat runs in some families.

Anything that causes narrowing of the air passage, blockage of airway and reduction of neck muscle tone will cause snoring.
  •    Obstructive sleep apnea- it is important to rule this out when determining the cause of snoring.
  •    Abnormally positioned jaw
  •   Obesity- Deposition of fat in and around the throat narrows the airway.
  •    Relaxants such as alcohol, drugs (e.g. sedatives and sleeping pills) reduce muscle tone.
  •   Upper Respiratory tract infections
  •    Smoking- this weakens and clogs the throat
  •    Sleeping with too many pillows- this stretches and narrows the airway.
  •    Sleeping on one’s back- this may result in the tongue dropping to the back of the mouth and blocking airflow.
The first step is determining the cause. Observing patterns in your snoring can often help pinpoint the reasons why you snore, what makes it worse and how to go about stopping it.
  • Closed mouth snoring might indicate a problem with your tongue.
  • Open-mouth snoring may be related to tissues in the throat.
  • Snoring while sleeping on your back is probably mild. Improved sleep habits and lifestyle changes may be effective cures.
  • Snoring in all sleep positions usually requires a more comprehensive treatment.
Some self-help cures include:
  •    Lose weight
  •    Stop smoking
  •    Regular sleep patterns
  •   Sleep on your side instead of your back
  •   Avoid alcohol and sleeping pills
  •   Avoid caffeine and heavy meals within 2hours of going to bed.Medical treatment include the use of nasal sprays, nose clips e.t.c.Surgery can also be done. Consult your ENT doctor on possible treatment options.
Coping As A Partner
The bed partner loses on average an hour of sleep per night resulting in significant relationship and health issues. Working together to stop snoring can be an opportunity to improve the quality of your bond.
-          Keep in mind it’s not intentional
-          Avoid lashing out
-          Use humor
The treatment options earlier mentioned can be explored together.
                                                                            contributed by Dr. I.T joel

Saturday, 22 September 2012

BODY ODOR - causes and treatment tips

  Often times unrecognized by the person who has it but unpleasant to others; Body odor also called Bromhidrosis is a perceived unpleasant smell given off by the body when bacteria that lives on the skin (e.g. propionibacteria) breakdown sweat into acids. Sweat is odorless but if left on the skin for long, the process of break down takes place. Although body odor can have a nice and specific smell to individuals,it can be influenced by diet, gender, health and medications.

  Who’s affected?
-Children below the age of puberty rarely have body odor because the specialized glands only become active at puberty. Hence, it is commonly seen from puberty.
-The obese
-people who take spicy food regularly e.g curry
-people that sweat too much:
This could be restricted to some part of the body like the feet and palms
It could be all over the body commonly seen in some medical conditions like diabetes, hyperthyroidism, tuberculosis etc

   Sites commonly affected
It is most likely to occur in the feet, groin, armpits, genital and pubic hair and other hairs, belly button, anus, behind the ear.

   Is it important to see the doctor?
As stated above, some medical conditions are associated with increased sweating (e.g. hyperthyroidism, tuberculosis etc) while some change how a person smells (e.g. liver diseases, diabetes etc).If your body odor becomes persistent or causes you concern, seek medical care.

  Treatment Tips
-Keep the body clean e.g. wash the armpits, feet etc. regularly
-Hair slows down the evaporation of sweat, so shave it off.
-Use a deodorant or antiperspirant
-Don’t use a cloth more than once or tight fitted clothes
-Reduce the intake of spicy food
-Treat or manage the medical condition cause the increase sweating.

Monday, 10 September 2012

World Suicide Prevention Day

   Today, 10th September is World Suicide Prevention Day and it aims to promote worldwide commitment and action to prevent suicides. On average, almost 3000 people commit suicide daily. For every person who completes a suicide, 20 or more may attempt to end their lives.
  Suicide is a major preventable cause of premature death and this awareness needs to be raised at the global level .A good policy frameworks for national suicide prevention strategies should be developed by governments and these as while as the research outcomes need to be translated into prevention programmes and activities in communities at the local level.

For more on suicide prevention visit:

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

How much space is considered 'adequate' between subsequent births?

   A common question asked most times is, “how much gap is good between one birth aπδ the subsequent pregnancy?”. A published study in the New England Journal of Medicine reported that the best outcomes for both mother and baby is seen when there is a gap of 18 – 23months from birth to subsequent pregnancy.
Pregnancy spacing doesn’t just affect the age difference but "too long" or "too short" spacing has enormous effect on the child’s health and that of the mother’s.

Possible outcomes of short birth spacing:
-Low birth weight: Babies given birth to usually have weights less than 2.5kg
-Preterm birth: This is when the baby is born before 37th week of pregnancy. Possible problems associated with preterm birth include increased risk of infections, breathing problems e.t.c.
-Small for gestational age: Baby is small in size for the expected weight.
 -Uterine rupture: A tear through the uterus especially when trying to deliver a baby through the vagina after a previous caesarean section can occur.
-Mental health issues: Mother’s are prone to having post-partum depression probably due to stress.
-A study done in 2011, also suggested a link between pregnancy intervals of less than 12months and autism in second – born children

Possible outcomes of long birth spacing:
-    Research suggests that a gap of 5yrs or more after giving birth poses concern for mothers and babies because it can be associated with increased risk of
-Slow or difficult labor or delivery
-Low birth weight
-Small gestational age

Truman syndrome...

  A delusion which is culture-based, and more in the western world where the sufferer believes that his or her life is stage-played or trapped inside a reality television show and his or her activities is being watched by everybody. This psychological disorder could be distressing and dangerous in that the patient could become frustrated and agitated at the fact that people continue to deny the reality of their delusions.
  Treatment could involve the use of anti-psychotics and antidepressants.

Thursday, 23 August 2012

"Will my baby be normal?"...A pregnant woman's fear

    A common worry of expectant mothers is the fear that something will go wrong with their babies. Understanding the causes of birth defects will help alleviate this fear.
   Different forms of birth defects include: defects of the limbs (which is the commonest form), defects of the heart(of which ‘holes in the heart’ are the most common),defects of d spinal cord, face, stomach, intestines, sexual organs, e.t.c.
   Birth defects are also associated with chromosomal abnormalities,an example of which is Down’s syndrome and advanced maternal age (35years and above) is a predisposing factor.
A fetus is most vulnerable to defects between the 3rd to 8th week after fertilization and this period is said to be the “sensitive period”.

    What are the causes of birth defects?
Most birth defects arise from interplay of genetic and environmental factors.
   -Genetics: parents might sometime carry a defective gene, while not suffering from the defect themselves, which is passed on to the unborn baby leading to a birth defect. Sometimes, the defective gene occurs in the unborn baby without prior affectation of the parents.
  - Exposure to drugs: Use of some drugs during pregnancy such as thalidomide, tetracycline antibiotic, anticonvulsant drugs, alcohol and tobacco interfere with normal fetal development.
-Exposure to radiation such as x-rays,cancer radiation therapy has been found to induce mutation in a developing baby.Hence,prenant women are advised to avoid these.
-Some illnesses have been linked to birth defects e.g.TORCHES infections(Toxoplasmosis, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus & Herpes simplex virus infections, Syphilis). Also studies have shown that diabetic mothers are at risk of having babies with holes in the heart and obese mothers, children with spinal cord defect.
   How to prevent birth defects
 - Early and regular ante-natal visits.
 -Studies have shown that intake of folic acid before getting pregnant reduces the incidence of spinal cord defects.
 -Eating healthy and balanced diets, including vegetables, fresh fruits, fish and food rich in calcium help reduce the likelihood of birth defects.
-Vitamin supplements are also useful
-Avoidance of herbal remedies during pregnancy

Detection of birth defects before delivery can be achieved through the following methods:
-Ultrasound scan
-Blood test especially the Triple test(which includes testing for maternal blood levels of alpha feto-protein, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin and oestrol)
-Chorionic villus sampling

Possible treatment options of birth defects:
1. Termination of the pregnancy
2. Corrective surgeries on unborn baby

                                                                                     Credited to Dr. Joel I.T

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Dimple:A beauty or defect?

 Most people use the term "dimple" to refer specifically to indentations on the skin, particularly on the cheeks and chins.Dimpled cheeks are considered attractive in many cultures.
The truth is, most dimples are actually genetic defects.The most common cause is shortened facial muscles, and this just goes to show you that not all “malformations” are bad.
Due to the shortened muscle, dimples are not always apparent in a relaxed state. They become apparent mostly when the muscle is active,like during smiling

    The genetics of dimples:
 Dimples can occur genetically or sporadically.Dimples are a dominant trait, which means that it only takes the presence of one defective gene to inherit dimples. If neither of your parents has dimples, you shouldn't have them either, unless you experience a spontaneous mutation (sporadic change) . If one of your parents has dimples, you have a 25-50% chance of inheriting the gene, since it means that parent inherited the gene from one or both parents. If both of your parents have dimples, you have a 50-100% chance of inheriting the gene, depending on how they inherited their dimple genes.
 Dimples often occur on both the cheeks. A single dimple on one cheek is a rare phenomenon.Dimples tend to disappear as the child becomes older
Dimple on the chin is not hereditary. It occurs due to the incomplete fusion of both halves of the lower jaw during development.
Other sites where dimples can be found include the buttock and sacral region.

Monday, 13 August 2012

Left - hander's day

 This holiday was started by Left Handers International, and was first observed in 1976.If you are a leftie, a "Southpaw", then National Left Hander's day is just for you. National Left Hander's Day is celebrated every year on the 13th of August. National Left Hander's day is meant to promote awareness of the inconveniences facing left handers in a predominantly right-handed world.

Some left handed facts:
- About 10 percent of the population is left handed.

- Lefties are also called "Southpaws".

- Right handed people use the left side of their brains. Left handed people use the right sides of their brains.

-Despite their minority status, lefties are more likely to excel in music, mathematics and athletics, according to studies. But left-handedness has also been linked to a higher risk of developmental disorders and mental illness.

-Among twins, there is a high tendency for one to be left-handed.

- 4 out of the 5 original designers of the Macintosh computer were left-handed.

- Left-handers usually reach puberty 4 to 5 months later than right-handers.

- George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama are all left handed. Ronald Regan was also left handed.

- Pablo Picasso, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Leonardo Di Vinci and Michelangelo were left handed.

- Left handers tend to adjust quickly to seeing underwater.

- Right handers tend to chew food on the right side, left handers tend to chew on the left side.

- Left handed people who have higher I.Q.s tend to have an I.Q. of over 140.

- In some cultures it is impolite to touch your food with your left hand.

How much sleep do you need?

A person could die from lack of sleep sooner than they could from starvation, and this usually takes a few weeks. Good sleep has an impact on nearly every area of daily life. However, most people don't realize how much sleep they need and why it is so important.
    How much sleep do I need?:
Newborns (0-2 months old).....12-18 hours
Infants (3-11 months old)........14-15 Hours
Toddlers (1-3 years old)...........12-14 Hours
Pre-schoolers (3-5 years old)...11-13 Hours
School-aged Children(5-10 years old)....10-11 Hours
Teens (11-17 years old)............8-9 Hours
Adults.........................................7-9 Hours
 *By the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.

The Benefits of Sleep:
-Sleep reduces stress by lowering stress hormone level and blood pressure.
-Sleep improves your memory by allowing the brain to process new experiences and knowledge better, increasing your understanding and retention.
-Sleep helps to repair your body.
The body produces extra protein molecules while you're sleeping that helps strengthen your ability to fight infections and stay healthy.
-Sleep helps keep your heart healthy.
The cardiovascular system is constantly under pressure and sleep helps reduce this stress, hence helping the heart function better.
....And so on ...So, next time you hear someone say "why don't you sleep on it," take to the advice.

Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep.  ~Fran Lebowitz

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Sayings on breastfeeding

For me this is the best show of love and care by man,you cant simply get it better than this but sadly, the trend has changed so much that other mammals do it better than we do...the question is, does breast milk come in flavors like vanilla, chocolate because there must be a reasons why we men are so fixated to breasts,as if we were all weaned too
My opinion is that anybody offended by breastfeeding is staring too hard.  ~David Allen

A newborn baby has only three demands.  They are warmth in the arms of its mother, food from her breasts, and security in the knowledge of her presence.  Breastfeeding satisfies all three.  ~Grantly Dick-Read

Mammals:  a family of vertebrate animals whose females in a state of nature suckle their young, but when civilized and enlightened put them out to nurse, or use the bottle.  ~Ambrose Bierce

 People need to understand that when they're deciding between breastmilk and formula, they're not deciding between Coke and Pepsi.... They're choosing between a live, pure substance and a dead substance made with the cheapest oils available.  ~Chele Marmet 

While breastfeeding may not seem the right choice for every parent, it is the best choice for every baby.  ~Amy Spangler

Nursing does not diminish the beauty of a woman's breasts; it enhances their charm by making them look lived in and happy.  ~Robert A. Heinlein
There are three reasons for breast-feeding:  the milk is always at the right temperature; it comes in attractive containers; and the cat can't get it.  ~Irena Chalmers .....( me) Lol

If a multinational company developed a product that was a nutritionally balanced and delicious food, a wonder drug that both prevented and treated disease, cost almost nothing to produce and could be delivered in quantities controlled by the consumers' needs, the very announcement of their find would send their shares rocketing to the top of the stock market.  The scientists who developed the product would win prizes and the wealth and influence of everyone involved would increase dramatically.  Women have been producing such a miraculous substance, breastmilk, since the beginning of human existence.  ~Gabrielle Palmer 

It is only in the act of nursing that a woman realizes her motherhood in visible and tangible fashion; it is a joy of every moment.  ~Honore de Balzac

Breastfeeding is nature's health plan.  ~Author Unknown

Breastfeeding is an unsentimental metaphor for how love works, in a way.  You don't decide how much and how deeply to love - you respond to the beloved, and give with joy exactly as much as they want.  ~Marni Jackson
A woman's life isn't worth a plateful of cabbage if she hasn't felt life stir under her heart.  Taking a little one to nurse, watching him grow to manhood, that's what love is.  ~Carol Shields, The Stone Diaries

Breastmilk:  the gift that keeps on giving.  ~Author Unknown

“bottles fill his stomach, but breastfeeding fills his soul”
― diane wiessinger


Thursday, 2 August 2012

Why alcohol causes memory loss

Events of last Saturday appear difficult to remember after i ordered my sixth bottle. Why? Scientists have discovered that the centre of memory formation and learning(the Hippocampus) has a high concentration of Zinc. Studies done by M.I.T. and DUKE researchers revealed that Zinc deficiency limits communication between neurones, disrupting learning ability and memory formation. Too much alcohol has been said to interfere with the body's ability to absorb zinc..Hence too much alcohol and low zinc body store can blur one's memory. Zinc is present in a variety of foods consumed daily. The foods with the highest Zinc content per serving are oysters, red meat and poultry. Some other food sources that contain Zinc are whole grains, fortified cereals, beans, nuts, dairy products and some seafoods. Males require more Zinc than females, as the mineral is released when a man ejaculates. The more sexually active a male, the more zinc required, as semen has the highest Zinc content in the body. An average adult woman should consume about 7 milligrams of Zinc daily, while an average male should consume 9.5 milligrams daily.

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Teenage prenancy....the reflection

  Adolescent pregnancy or teen pregnancy is a global problem and one which its trend has refused to reduce despite the growing awareness regarding its consequences, hence posing a major challenge in the field of reproductive health. The gross effect is on the individual, the family, and the society.  . Menstruation usually occur around the age of 12 or 13, after which a female becomes potentially fertile. But being fertile is not synonymous to being ready for child birth. Pregnancy before 20yrs of age is what is regarded as teen pregnancy. At this age, the teenagers are vulnerable to a lot of health challenges compared to an adult. A lot of sociocultural and economical factors determine the variation in rate of occurrence of teenage pregnancy, from one country to another. Industrialized and developing countries have different rates of occurrence. Teenage pregnancy occurs more in the unmarried in industrialized countries while those from the developing countries are often married,due to early marriages. A report by "Save the children" found that annually,13 million children are born to women under the age of 20yrs. In some Sub–Saharan African countries, the rate could be as high as 143 per 1000. In developing countries, teenage pregnancies are associated with many social and economical issues, including lower educational levels and high rate of poverty. In some societies,early marriage and traditional gender role play an important role in rate of occurrence of teenage pregnancy. So also,the lack of education on safe sex practices and contraception, alcohol and drug abuse,peer pressure, childhood environment,media influences, sexual abuse and dating violence. Most men experience sexual intercourse before they are 20years.It is earlier in developed countries than the developing countries,due to peer pressure. Women exposed to abuse,domestic violence, and family strife or suffer neglect from parents in chilhood are more likely to become pregnant in teenage years; the same can be said for boys raised in homes with battered mothers. The impact of this can't be overemphasized. Medically the risk of premature birth and low birth weight is higher among adolescent mothers. Many pregnant teens are subjected to nutritional deficiency from poor eating habits.There is also increased risk of HIV and STIs among them. It is estimated that the risk of death following teenage pregnancy is twice as high in women between 15 - 19yrs than those between the ages of 20 to 24yrs. A small pelvis is associated with malnutrition commonly seen in underdeveloped economies. In teens,this can lead to difficulties in chilbirth which is associated an increased incidence of caesarean section. Other risks, especially in developing countries, include increased rate of abortion and its complications, eclampsia, obsteric fistulas e.g VVF, infant mortality or maternal death e.t.c. Teen mothers are more likely to become a school drop-out which inturn affects the individual finances and social class,especially in countries where there are no welfare support. Families tend to neglect them. These mothers often lack the intellectual or emotional maturity that is needed to provide for another. Often, these pregnancies are hidden for months,resulting in lack of adequate prenatal care;this leads most times to obsteric complications, depression, psychosis. The child,if giving birth to, may have developmental problems, disabilities or behavioural disorder. This can be prevented if emphasis is placed on sex education,contraception- the right and correct way to use them,girl-child educarion,addressing the level of poverty without forgeting the importance of abstinence.